I've been in the music trade since 1984. For 18 years my wife and I have been the owners of Deevee's Music Shop, a dealer in musical instruments. I taught myself to do repairs to guitars, violins, banjos and other stringed instruments.
We are the proud distributors of new Kawai upright and grand pianos in the Free State and Northern Cape. We also buy and sell used pianos.
My love for piano tuning and repairs started when my wife's piano needed a tune and we couldn't track a piano tuner, eventually finding me training with Randy Potter School of Piano Technology, Oregon, U.S.A. Ever since I've tuned for various piano teachers, schools, performers, churches and private piano owners.
For executive stress relief I play guitar in a band called The Rock Spiders, which is a 70's cover rock band. We already did tribute performances to the following bands: CCR, Rolling Stones, Neil Young and Bad Company.